Saturday, February 23, 2013

You Know What They Say; "Those Who Can't..."

This is something I started working on over the past few months.  I thought I would share an excerpt from the introduction for some feedback.  So, here you go:

                                                “Those Who Can’t, …..Teach
Love, Life, Lessons and Music


It’s Just Me

“Those who can’t, teach”.  I cannot tell you how much I despise this moronic phrase.  I also cannot recall how many times I have heard this expression.  Some of the time it was said in fun, but mostly out of spite, arrogance or stupidity. And after twenty years as an educator, I still am hearing or reading this phrase.  So I decided to try and do something about this.  Maybe it is just a way of defending me as a person or professional, along with my fellow educators and musicians, or another outlet so I don’t punch somebody when I hear for the bazillionth time; “You know what they say, those who can’t, teach”.

 Let me introduce myself.  My name is Mark Irvin.  Who am I?  Well, really, in the grand scheme of things, nobody.  I am not rich, I am not famous, I have never been in a movie, or on television.  Not even on a reality show.  I am just not what is considered cool.  I have never been in a magazine other than the occasional music journal, because, well,…uh,  I am defiantly not model material.   I am not a saint and at times a little rough around the edges, which you will see from time to time as you read. I have never run for political office, let alone have been elected to one.  I have never done anything heroic, or death defying.  I have never saved anyone’s life (except for maybe all the women who wouldn’t go out with me).

Who I am is; husband, father, son, brother, friend, musician and educator, more specifically, a music educator.  It is the latter of the list that I will talk most about.  The road I took is defiantly not the normal path.  My timing in life is also far from normal.  

And, I am just guessing (or hoping), if you are reading this you are probably a teacher, or work in education.  Chances are you also may be a parent, spouse and possibly a musician.  Again, all the above is pretty much me, just not always in that order. It depends on the time of day. 

Please know this is written by a musician and music educator who is still “in the trenches”.  I have read so many wonderful books and been to so many great classes, clinics and workshops that were given and written by Doctor of this, or Doctor of that.  I just can’t think of reading anything written by a current public school teacher, other than articles in music education journals.  So I thought it would be a nice idea to share with my “brothers and sisters in arms”.  Whenever I attend conventions or workshops what usually stays with me the most is all of the sharing I get to do with others that are going through many of the same things I am. Let me also say right up front, I’m not here to preach or force philosophy on you.  Nor is this meant to be a “how to” on any of these subjects. So, I hope you will allow me to share a bit of what I have learned, what I am still learning and what I have seen and experienced with a few stories along the way. And, if you find something you can use or relate to, or get a laugh or two, great!  Remember that this is all coming from a current public school teacher and working musician.